03 Maret, 2009


Tgl 27 Mei 2006, pagi hari saat semua orang sedang bersiap berkarya demi masa depan, tiba-tiba bumi bergetar dan meluluhlantakkan rumah, sekolah, tempat ibadah. Jiwa pun terenggut dalam kejadian di pagi itu. Gempa Bumi pun menghancurkan sebagian hidup saudara-saudara kita di Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Apa yang bisa kami lakukan sementara rumah dari beberapa karyawan SWALOKA juga mengalami kerusakan? Siapa yang harus didahulukan, teman atau masyarakat umum? TIDAK ADA. SEMUA HARUS DIDAHULUKAN. Kami pun bergerak selama sebulan penuh untuk membantu korban gempa, apalagi setelah kami tahu bahwa kerusakan yang dialami beberapa karyawan tidak separah yang kami duga. Kami pun berbagi tugas, ada yang mendistribusikan obat-obatan, makanan, tenda, bahan bangunan. Sebagian orang langsung membantu warga Bantul membersihkan puing-puing rumah yang hancur. Beberapa pembelajar pun terlibat secara penuh, berkeringat bersama warga membangun kembali hidup mereka.

Kami juga bekerja sama dengan mas Philus sebagai mitra dari JRS, mas Ishiguro sebagai wakil dari Japan Club, Child Doctor dari Jepang,Pak Thomas Hardy dari British Council, dan beberapa teman dari negara sahabat yang secara individual bersama kami mencoba berbagi dengan korban gempa bumi. Meskipun kami tidak bisa memberi banyak, kami berharap bahwa apa yang sudah kami lakukan bisa memberi makna pada mereka.


In the morning of May 27, 2006 everybody was preparing for their day, when suddenly the earth was shaken and houses, schools, and sanctuaries were collapsed. Souls were suddenly taken that morning. Earthquake destroyed some parts of life in Bantul, Yogyakarta.
What could we do while houses of several staffs of SWALOKA were also destroyed? Who should come first, friends or strangers? NO ONE. ALL SHOULD BE PRIORITIZED. We then went on for a month to help victims of the earthquake around us. We even focused fully to other people after knowing that the damages to the staffs’ houses were not as terrible as we estimated.
We shared responsibilities among our team in distributing medicines, food, tents, and construction materials. Most of us helped the victims in Bantul region cleaning up the ruins of the damaged houses. Even some students got fully involved to these activities; with no reluctance to get sweating for other people when helping them rebuild their lives.
We cooperated with Philus as a partner from JRS, Ishiguro as the representative from Japan Club, Child Doctor from Japan, Thomas Hardy from the British Council, and several other friends from other countries who contributed as persons to relief the burden of the victims. Even though we could not give much, we do hope that whatever efforts we made could be of significance for them.

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